Local farmers sell directly or collaborate with merchants. On the market you can buy seafood, sausage, meat and various Italian cheeses of high quality of regional producers.
Fruits and vegetables are delivered daily fresh and there are offered primarily seasonal products.
Besides food bargain hunters find discount deals on clothing, shoes, bags, including designer goods.
Market prices are reasonable and honest.
In Italy there are also fixed prices on the market and the sellers react angrily when tourists try to haggle the price. It is believed that well-traveled tourists can afford the regular prices.
Pay attention to the ticket stub "scontrino". The reseller is obliged to issue the ticket stub, not to fall into the light of the treasury.
Each year a number of markets and trade events with the typical Christmas products and specialties take place before Christmas.
Especially popular is the Christmas craft fair Fiera dell'Artigianato
Local producers offer at the weekly market
The weekly markets are held on the selected streets and squares in Milan to a market plan.
The weekly markets are 9.00 am - 1.00 pm clock and on Saturdays between 9:00 am - 5.00 pm at the specified streets (subject sto change):
On Mondays:
On Tuesday:
On Wednesday:
On Thursday:
On Friday:
On Saturday: